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Color for freight cars

Добавлено: Пт авг 12, 2011 9:51 pm
what brand of paint is used buy modellers in this forum to get the brown and green color on freight cars used in russia.I know ther is diffrent green colors.the one i am looking for is the green used on Chemical Fertilizer cars..And the brown use on the same cars.

Re: Color for freight cars

Добавлено: Пт авг 12, 2011 10:42 pm
Hallo Rakvere,
Russian Railway does not prescribe an exact RAL of green and brown colors for freight wagons.
Colour shades of green and brown could be different from wagon to wagon. You can take any green or brown paint what you use to use.

Re: Color for freight cars

Добавлено: Сб авг 13, 2011 8:06 am
In Russian railways (as usual) brown color means that car is own of RZD (after 1990 year)/MPS (before 1990 year); green color means own of any company; yellow - mean cover car for chemicals.
Until quite recently color for all freight cars - as company wish. You can meet dark and light blue; all greens; dark red; white; etc.
For tank cars - another system.

Re: Color for freight cars

Добавлено: Сб авг 13, 2011 9:05 am
I have understand that RAL is not use.I have see new cars and the brown was diffrent on most of the cars.Mix paint to get it right for the car i whant to modell is not that hard.