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My train collection

Добавлено: Вс фев 28, 2016 2:58 am
I thought i would share my collection of H0 scale trains, mostly Swedish, aswell as the few British 00 gauge trains i have in this thread. I will primarily show my passenger fleet, but i can show my freight cars if there is any interest.

Starting with the Swedish State Railways, of which i have 17 vehicles representing the 1980's and early 1990's.

Rc5 1361 with 1970's-1980's logo. (Roco)

Rc5 1374 with 1990's logo. (Roco)

F5 baggage car 55219 in 1970's-1980's appearance. An old Lima car which i myself have "improved" with grab irons, new logos, new couplers and new wheels, aswell as painting some moulded details.

A7 first class coach 5512 in 1980's-1990's appearance. (Roco)

B7 second class coach 5382 in 1980's appearance, with incorrect InterCity markings. The InterCity text should be on a sign. These are actually somewhat rare. (Roco)

B12 second class coach 4972 in 1980's-1990's appearance. The B12 cars were actually A2 first class coaches that had lost their first class status without actually being modified. (NMJ)

Standard B1 second class coach 4733 in 1980's-1990's appearance. (NMJ)

B1G second class coach 5159 in 1980's-1990's appearance. The B1G cars were modernized B1 cars. These modifications included asbestos removal, new seat covering, new carpet, new partition wall of glass, smaller smoking room, handicap seats, one washroom changed to baggage space, installation of speakers and rear end lights, UIC-cable, and high pressure line. (NMJ)

B5F second class coach 4768 in 1980's appearance, once again with incorrect InterCity markings. The text should, just as on the B7, be on a sign. (NMJ)

AB3 first and second class coach 4949 in 1970's-1990's appearance. (NMJ)

B5L second class coach 4752 in 1970's-1990's appearance. (NMJ)

B3 second class coach 3507 in 1970's-1980's appearance. (UGJ)

BF2 second class and baggage combination coach 4466 in 1970's-1980's appearance. (UGJ)

DV30 mail car 55243 as they looked from 1984 onwards. Some still look like this today, but they haven't rolled in traffic since 2007 or so. It may look like a freight car, but these were rebuilt for speeds up to 130km/h and were often seen in InterCity trains as late as the late 80's/early 90's. (NMJ)

As some of you may have noticed, the dates i've written for the appearance sometimes change even though some cars have the same design. The reasons for that are simple. The B3 and BF2 types were withdrawn in the 1980's, but some B3's were rebuilt to RB4 diners and served into the early 2000's. The F5 and similar F6 types were rebuilt during the 1990's to F24 and F33 respectively and repainted into a white and black paint scheme. The B7 and B5F with InterCity text are limited to the 1980's as the use of InterCity signs ceased during that decade, or possibly during the very early 1990's.

I know these are not 17 vehicles. Two cars is in the process of being repainted, and the third is waiting to be repainted.

Anyway, ladies and gentlemen, i hope you have enjoyed this first post in the thread. I still have more to show.

Re: My train collection

Добавлено: Вс фев 28, 2016 4:32 am
Bruno Banani
Yes love it! keep it up! Очень нравится! Продолжайте!

Re: My train collection

Добавлено: Вс фев 28, 2016 10:02 am

Very interestig to see your models. Swedish railways are a little mystical for us! It's especially interesting some things from LKAB railways.

Re: My train collection

Добавлено: Вс фев 28, 2016 6:40 pm
Bruno Banani писал(а):Yes love it! keep it up! Очень нравится! Продолжайте!
Спасибо, Bruno. :)

More pictures will come either later today, or tomorrow.
AlexK писал(а):Hej!

Very interestig to see your models. Swedish railways are a little mystical for us! It's especially interesting some things from LKAB railways.
The LKAB malmbanan, or iron ore railway, is pretty impressive. Sadly i don't have any LKAB vehicles in H0 scale, but that's mainly because of the price. Some of the locomotives cost almost three times as much as my Rc6 locomotive, which will be shown later. Besides that, the Dm3 i want is somewhat hard to find for a good price. There is one other Dm3 i want, but that one isn't available, so i would have to decal that myself. As for the IORE locomotives, they have had some issues with the plastic body breaking during shipping. I don't really think it's worth the money. It is an interesting operation though, and i also find it interesting that they use the SA3 coupler instead of the American AAR couplers.

Re: My train collection

Добавлено: Пн фев 29, 2016 5:06 pm
Next up is Tågkompaniet, or TKAB for short. They operated the overnight trains to Luleå, Kiruna and Narvik, aswell as the local trains up north, between 2000 and 2003, aswell as the Mittlinjen line for a few years (not sure, but i think that was also 2000-2003). Nowadays they are operating the TiB franchise, which they will sadly loose in a few months.

During their time as operator of overnight trains, their fleet was pretty varied, though most of their stock was leased from the Swedish State Railways (SJ) and therefore wore their colours. There were however some exceptions, as you shall see. I never travelled with them, but i have fallen in love with this mixture of vehicle heritage and paint schemes. Sadly, they are not very well represented in the model world. Of my 10 vehicles, only 6 are factory models. I know that's more than half, but as their fleet was so diverse, i would have thought there would be more models.

Anyway... Let's get to the pics, shall we?

Rc2 13 in its distinctive green paint scheme. This locomotive was used mostly (only?) on the Karven trains between Luleå and Narvik. (Märklin)

Rc6 2 in standard SJ colours, but with the TKAB logos. This locomotive, and others like it, were used on all routes operated by TKAB. This locomotive was later leased by Connex when they took over the operations from TKAB. (Roco)

A7 first class coach 101 in standard SJ colours with TKAB logos. This car was leased for less than a year, and was to my knowledge used only in the Karven trains. (Roco with additional details and corrected roof and bogies)

AFS2 203 first class panorama coach/diner in one of the five special liveries given to these cars. These were used in the regular overnight trains aswell as the short lived Polar Express. These were owned by TKAB rather than leased. (Roco, who sadly messed up the colours)

WL33 sleepers 701 and 705 in their special Orient Express inspired paint scheme. These cars were owned by TKAB and were at first used only in the Polar Express, but later went into the standard sleeping car fleet. (Roco with corrected bogies)

That's all of the models that are readily available to purchase, apart from the Märklin version of the panorama coaches, which are way too short. But atleast they got the colours right. Now we are entering the customs section.

WL6 sleeper 722 in standard SJ colours with TKAB logos. This car was later leased by Connex, who took over the operation of overnight trains in 2003. (Rebuilt and repainted Roco car)

B1 second class coach 301 in standard SJ colours with TKAB logos. Just like the Rc6 locomotive and the WL6 sleeper above, i think this car went to Connex after its stay with TKAB. (Redecaled NMJ)

B1 second class coach 324 in the all red Mittlinjen paint scheme. All vehicles that were allocated to the Mittlinjen traffic were painted red, although SJ blue vehicles did appear from time to time. (Repainted NMJ)

Now, this is an odd one. While it is not a TKAB coach just yet, i have included it in this post anyway as i intend to decal it with TKAB logos. But at the moment, it is a standard NSB B3-2 second class coach with number 25593, which will become TKAB B3 320. However, as these cars did roll for a short period of time in their old NSB colours while in TKAB traffic, this job has been put on hold multiple times. TKAB purchased three second class and two first class coaches of this design, one of the second class coaches being used for spares. All of these cars started their life with the company up north, usually in Karven service, in the NSB colours, as mentioned earlier. After a short period they were patched, but not repainted. Kind of like the SJ stock. They served up north for a few years before being moved to Mittlinjen and repainted in the all red paint scheme. My model will show the patched look that they wore up north. Pictures will be posted when the job is finished. (NMJ)

Thanks for looking, hope you enjoyed!

Re: My train collection

Добавлено: Чт мар 10, 2016 1:34 am
Time for my small fleet of freight cars from the 1970's to the early 2000's. This post will not be as informative as the others in this thread, but i hope you enjoy it anyway. Freight cars are not my strong side. What i do know is that i can create a 1980's-1990's train with these cars.

First up is a German styled SJ Gbls covered car. This type of car, together with others commonly known as "G cars", were long the most common freight car in Sweden, used by both the State Railways and private companies. I think most, if not all, "G cars" were gone by the 1990's. (NMJ)

These two cars are identical in every way except for their numbers, which is why they are both in the same picture. They are two SJ Oms cars used to haul, well, pretty much anything, but they come with a load of timber. (Trix)

The first of two Om cars, this one is owned by the private company TGOJ. Like the Oms cars above, these were used to haul just about anything. (NMJ)

The second Om car is one owned by the State Railways. I know it's identical to the one above, but as it's two different companies i thought i would give them their own pics. (NMJ)

Next up, two identical SJ Lgjs container cars. Why two pics? Well, the containers included are different. (NMJ)


Last but not least is another private car, a Nordwaggon Hbbins multi purpose car. Nordwaggon, sadly, ceased to exist in 2006. They were a leasing company, whose HQ was close to where i live, that owned a fleet of mostly multi purpose and tank cars, which they leased out for all sorts of uses across most of Europe. And although the company is no more, their colours can still be seen from time to time, though usually covered in dirt. (Roco)

I do hope that atleast some of you reading this enjoyed it. As i said above, freight cars are not my strong side.

Anyway, i still have more to show. It isn't much at the moment, but i hope you will find it interesting. See you next time!

Re: My train collection

Добавлено: Чт мар 10, 2016 8:12 am
Bruno Banani
Yes, very much! Another would be to photo each model to add one photo of the view from below. ;)

Re: My train collection

Добавлено: Чт мар 10, 2016 10:57 pm
You want to see the underside of them? Ok, i could fix that. Any particular model?

Re: My train collection

Добавлено: Пт мар 11, 2016 12:56 am
Bruno Banani
It is interesting to look at the back of passenger cars, because your car Park for us is a dark forest. Or to say otherwise - dark horse. ;)

Re: My train collection

Добавлено: Вс мар 13, 2016 10:19 pm
I don't want to be rude, but i'm not sure on what you want to see. One of your posts mentions a "view from below" which to me sounds like the underside, and the other mentions the back of the car. Of course i could show both if you would like.